
What to look for in the next few years ahead


In Memory Of The Fallen


The Hybrid Ceremony

  No matter how much we try to adjust and reinterpret; we will eventually awaken to accept the unlimited potential that a Bespoke ceremony can provide: A nytime we deviate from what has already expressed as traditional to modern and as we continually modify to acceptable  contemporary consensus.   The blending from one culture/faith, is yet another; as we adapt with these synthetic ideas and from before  to recreate a hybridized consumer awakened interest.  From the moment we are aware that we exist we celebrate our achievements incrementally;  "from cradle to grave".   The following Excerpt  is a glimpse into the end of life ceremonies: on pages 90 and 91 from the Canadian Society's first edition Volume 1_The Funeral Officiant & Ceremony_A Course In Funeral Celebrancy(in continuum the more elaborate and unusual services on pages 100 & 101)